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FMVSS No. 108:

Replaceable Light Source
A replaceable light source is defined in FMVSS No. 108 as an assembly of a capsule, base, and terminals that is designed to conform to the requirements of Appendix A or Appendix B of Part 564 - Replaceable Light Source Information of Chapter V, Title 49 United States Code (U.S.C.).
FMVSS No. 108 requirements
Replaceable light sources are regulated by FMVSS No. 108.  The requirements are specified in paragraph S7.7 which states, in part, that the light source must be designed to conform to the dimensional and electrical specifications pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Part 564- Replaceable Light Source Information.


Part 564:

Part 564- Replaceable Light Source Information
The purpose of Part 564 is to ensure that replaceable light sources are interchangeable with original equipment light sources and provide equivalent performance, and to ensure that redesigned or newly developed light sources are designated as distinct, different, and noninterchangeable with previously existing light sources.
Part 564 Submissions
Section § 564.5 requires each manufacturer of a motor vehicle, original equipment headlamp, or original equipment replaceable light source, which intends to manufacture a replaceable light source as original equipment or to incorporate a replaceable light source in its headlamps or motor vehicles, to furnish the information specified in the applicable appendix of part 564.  Upon acceptance of the submission by NHTSA, the information is filed in the DOT Docket Management System, Docket No. NHTSA 98-3397.  A tabulated summary of the docket can be found here.
Part 564 submissions must be  filed in the docket by NHTSA prior to the manufacturer offering the new or modified light source for sale. 

Modifications to Part 564 (§ 564.5(d))

Any motor vehicle, original equipment headlamp, or original equipment replaceable light source manufacturer, may modify existing light source designs as long as they certify that use of the modified light source will not create a noncompliance of the standard when used to replace an unmodified light source in a headlamp certified by its manufacturer as conforming to the standard.


This page modified on June 01, 2001  

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